/*Indian Premier League 2010 | IPL 2010: OYE ITS CRICKET*/

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to watch IPL Cricket online ?

These days IPL Twenty 20 cricket tournament is going on in India. For the first time in the history of world cricket, Internet has taken lead over traditional TV coverage of the matches. Now people are more interested in watching cricket matches on internet. As a result online live IPL cricket matches are available on a large number of websites. After some efforts on google and other search engines I have compiled a list of those websites. However most of the websites require installation of softwares like SOPcast player or TVU player on the PC. These softwares are designed to redistribute video streams in real time on a P2P network, the distributed video streams are typically TV channels from all over the world but may also come from other sources. These softwares have the potential to make any TV channel globally available.

These are some sopcast links. Install sopcast player and copy past these links in your browser

What is SopCast Player ?
SoP is abbreviation for Streaming over P2P. Sopcast is the Streaming Direct Broadcast System based on P2P. Yeah, Sopcast is a P2P Client, which means there will be one master source who streams the online content and the all other users who are watching the stream act as secondary sources. So when you watch the sopcast stream you will not only download the media content, you may also upload the media content which you have downloaded for others. It is just like Torrent client, download and upload for others. Broadcasting via a P2PTV system is usually much cheaper than other technologies.

You can download this player for free from http://www.sopcast.com/player/


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